Michael's Books & Teachings

The Quintessential Church Revolution
Michael Brodeur, Glen Reed
The Quintessential Church Revolution is designed to help you build a thriving church that will maximize the mobilization of every member for ministry according to their God-given design and destiny. We do this by helping you activate the QUINT(five) ESSENTIAL (indispensable) ministry gifts of Jesus that were given at the time of his ascension. This comprehensive manual is filled with practical tools that will revolutionize your ministry impact.

Revival Culture: Prepare For the Next Great Awakening
Banning Liebscher, Michael Brodeur
Right now, there are more than 7 billion people on the face of the earth and more than 1 billion who are under the age of 20. For the first time in history, we have the actual possibility of a billion-soul harvest. However, du to huge changes in society, technology, media and entertainment, those who will be coming to Christ during the coming season will be very different from every generation before it. What we need is a strategy that will match the challenge.
Revival Culture is a preparation manual for this coming revival that shows not only how to reach this group but also how to make them whole-hearted disciples of Jesus and future leaders in the Body of Christ. In the pages of this book, Michael Brodeur, together with his co-authors, Banning Liebscher and Bill Johnson, provide helpful strategies to prepare for the coming harvest and build bridges for this generation to come to Jesus. They will also help you cultivate a sustainable culture of revival in your church or ministry so you can effectively reach this emerging generation for Christ.

Destiny Finder
Michael Brodeur
Destiny Finder takes you on a journey into the intricate fabrics of your life to help you discover your purpose and equip you with the necessary tools to fulfill your God-given destiny.
“This book will give you a firm foundation and propel you further into God’s promises. Destiny Finder, in tandem with the website, produces a very comprehensive guide to the developmental process of finding your destiny. We are excited to release this and I encourage you to dive in and pursue what the Lord has laid out for you.”
– Banning Liebscher, Director of Jesus Culture
Also Available in Spanish and Portuguese

Destiny Finder Essentials
Michael Brodeur
This book is an introduction to a revolutionary personal discovery and development system called Destiny Finder. Destiny Essentials is a summary of a more compete book and is a great starting point in understanding your gifts and calling in the Lord. These thirty simple chapters that will help you understand your God-given identity and purpose in life, and help you take clear steps forward in becoming the person that God created you to be. It is a companion to our amazing website: www.destinyfinder.com.

Pastor’s Coach Essentials
Michael Brodeur
The Church is God’s chosen means to bring blessing and restoration to broken people and transformation to our planet. Yet, sadly, most churches are struggling with unidentified challenges that keep them from fulfilling their mission on earth. Pastor’s Coach was developed by pastors, for pastors to help leaders build thriving churches that transform individual lives and bring blessing to every sphere of society. Pastorscoach.com is an online service providing a number of helpful tools such as a comprehensive assessment that reveals hidden problems. This brilliant tool also comes with 120 ten-minute videos that address each of the assessment topics. We also provide a wide range of training resources to equip you and your leaders in a myriad of other areas. We also have a phenomenal personal development system called Destiny Finder that helps people discover their God-given gifts and callings and helps them develop and fulfill their destinies. Finally, we are growing an online community of leaders who will support one another on the journey to health and impact.

Keys to Church Health
Michael Brodeur
The Church is the Body of Christ, continuing the ministry of Jesus on the earth. As with the human body, everything depends on maintaining optimum health. This book, in conjunction with the amazing assessments and resources on the PastorsCoach.com website, provides the essential keys for measuring and optimizing Church Health. This book is formatted as a series of short essays that provide specific solutions for normal church problems. With a strong emphasis on leadership development, this book provides practical tools to help intentional leaders develop the people and ministries that will empower church members to build the church and bring transformation to the world around them.